Special: Find your New Year Fortune 2013 with Gakuen Heaven 2 boys (Spray)

Wishing you a lucky 2013!

Go to Spray’s Gakuen Heaven 2 Double Scamble official site now and play the 2013 Gakuen Heaven 2 omikuji 学園ヘヴン2おみくじ. Scroll down the page and you’ll see it!

Link here: http://gakuenheaven.jp/gh2/

What is omikuji? (Info edited from wiki)

O-mikuji (御御籤, 御神籤, or おみくじ, o-mikuji) are random fortunes written on strips of paper at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan. Literally translated as “sacred lot”, these are usually received by making a small offering to the shrine. Generally a five-yen coin as it is considered good luck. After that you randomly choose one lot from a box, and hope for the best.

The o-mikuji is scrolled up or folded, and unrolling the piece of paper reveals the fortune written on it. It includes a general blessing which can be any one of the following:

* Excellent luck (dai-kichi, 大吉)
* Middle good fortune (chuu-kichi, 中吉)
* Small good fortune (shou-kichi, 小吉)
* Good fortune (kichi, 吉)
* Half-good fortune (han-kichi, 半吉)
* Future good fortune (sue-kichi, 末吉)
* Future small good fortune (sue-shou-kichi, 末小吉)
* Bad fortune (kyou, 凶)
* Small bad fortune (shou-kyou, 小凶)
* Half-bad fortune (han-kyou, 半凶)
* Future bad fortune (sue-kyou, 末凶)
* Terrible fortune (dai-kyou, 大凶)

Although there are 12 fortune patterns, the Spray omikuji has their own customised 10. The o-mikuji predicts the person’s chances of his or her hopes coming true, of finding a good match, or generally matters of health, fortune, life, etc.

Which one did you get? I drew a bad fortune at first try orz;; But reading the text closely doesn’t really mean it is bad fortune. Just that I need to work harder at solving challenges faced in love, work etc… And one of them is…


Lol~ now that is definitely a challenge (ToT)/

Gambarimasu! I’ll do my best lol.

Also check out the Twitter interactions here: https://twitter.com/gakuen_heaven/学園ヘヴン2

Here’s to an awesome 2013 filled with lots of $$$ (need ’em to get all these goodies), health, happiness, joy and fun experiences! Happy New Year everybody!

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8 thoughts on “Special: Find your New Year Fortune 2013 with Gakuen Heaven 2 boys (Spray)”

  1. This is so cool. I got Minase Arata but I don’t understand what he’s saying! > <
    I screened shot it but I need help on what it says.

    You're fortune reminds me of you, Ponytale. You buy lots of anime merchandise. ^ – ^ It's funny that he's telling you to save your money.

    1. @King Rein: Totally… that’s why I was quite amused and shocked when I saw the money luck part lolol. I’ll post the rest of the fortunes soon, hopefully with some translations since I collected them all.

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