Otome: Tokimeki Restaurant mobile game, eye-candy bishie cloth posters (X.I.P., 3 Majesty)

6 Tokimeki Restaurant hotties to choose from! Not difficult to guess who my favourite is XD Actually, it was love at first sight when I first saw him in this mobile game a couple of years back ^^;; I have 3 top favs out of the 6. Continue reading “Otome: Tokimeki Restaurant mobile game, eye-candy bishie cloth posters (X.I.P., 3 Majesty)”

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Goods: If planting were an otome game… Growing veggie boyfriends

PlantingSounds like fun! If this were real, I don’t think I would bear to eat the cutie when he is ripe for harvest (sounds kinda wrong) XD Continue reading “Goods: If planting were an otome game… Growing veggie boyfriends”

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